Southern New Mexico Common Cause

Minutes of the Governing Board Meeting

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

 ·        Meeting Location: J.W. Flours Restaurant, Las Cruces, NM 88001

 ·        Members Attending:

 Phil Banks, Mary Ballard, Steve Carter, Lynn Ellins, Steve Fischmann, Delores Halls, Woodie Jenkins, John Lazaruk, Mike McCamley, and Tamie Smith



Ms Jenkins

            Members Not Attending:

  Jane Asche, Gus Bigelow, John Bloom, Alex Burr, Rose Garcia, Ron Gurley, Jim Kadlecek, Vicki

 Simons, Vanessa Quiroz and Charles Welch

1.    Call to Order:    Lynn Ellins called the meeting to order at 11:44 AM.

2.    Approval of August Meeting Minutes:

 The September meeting minutes were approved by voice vote.

3.        Announcements: Phil Banks reported on the New Mexico Common Cause meeting. The new  Center for Civic Policy was discussed and the NM Common Cause Board approved Common Cause to ‘associate’ with the new Center.

4.    Projects:

 A.     Board of County Commissioners – No Report

 B.  City Council – (Tamie Smith) She did not attend this weeks City Council meeting. She did ask if anyone brought up the new City Hall and its environmental design. Woodie Jenkins said that lack of the drive-up Utility Payment Window in the design was brought up and the orientation of the building to make use of the environment was talked about. Nothing was mentioned about the “Green Roof” design (Earth and plants grown on the roof to save funds as an environmental buffer). Steve Fischmann said that he and a representative from SWEC (Southwest Environment Center) talked to the new City Hall’s Project Manager. Several Add-ons were discussed. The meeting and the discussion was civil. Also discussed at the meeting were sources of funding from the state of New Mexico. Tamie Smith also mentioned the following: (1) a letter was written to all councilors with no response: (2) funding for the new City Hall parking area is not included in the monies for the building, and (3) a discussion was held by the SNMCC Board members present concerning the architecture of the new City Hall (see above).

C.  Board of Education (LCPS Board) Phil Banks did not attend the LCPS Board meeting. As reported in the SUN~NEWS, a new charter school for disadvantaged students was approved.

 D.  NMSU Board of Regents - None

 E.     ETZ Commission – Meeting As Scheduled.

F.  Planning and Zoning Commission –  Lynn Ellins reported that the Commission (group) is following the rules when they meet.

5.    New Business:

 A. Lynn Ellins led a discussion of the recommendations that we (SNMCC) will send to the New Mexico Common Cause (State / Matt Brix). It was moved and seconded and approved by voice vote, after discussion, that item three (3 below) be approved and sent. These recommendations will be sent to NMCC (after being staffed and being looked at and any recommendations and corrections considered):

 1.  The reporting of Public Financed candidates should be modified as to the timing and amounts (see below).

 2.  The amount of money granted to Public Financed candidates should be changed / increased up to the established limits. [The spending and granting of money is currently dependant upon the gaining of signatures and the method of reporting. It is received too late to be effective. It is also dependant on the how much other candidates spend and when they report it.]

 3.   The amount could be based (changed-increased or decreased) on the amounts being spent by the other candidates in the same election for the same office and could also be based also on two additional alternatives as relates to the amount. (a) One method could be, the amount of Public assistance (money) granted to a candidate, can be based on what the winner of the previous election spent (same party or same office) – or – (b) the amount could be based on an amount per registered voter in the same district or area as the candidate for any elected office. The amount granted to a candidate should be adjusted (increased) for inflation.

 [Currently the amount is too low [and effected by the method of reporting (timing)] per campaign against a candidate or candidates supported by donations. The goal of getting out and / or campaigning with the [all] voters is defeated when compared to the amount of and the method of / to get Public Financing.]

B.  Lynn Ellins stated that we (members of the Board) should be thinking about those who they want as the Officers for next year. Board members should also think about taking / running for office themselves. He, Lynn Ellins, will not be available for that slate of candidates because of his work.

 6.  Old Business – None

 7. Other Delores Halls reported on the LOWV (League of Women Voters) forum.  Too many questions were asked and not all the candidates showed up at the forum.

8.  Next Regular Meeting:  November 15, 2006

 9.  Adjournment:  Lynn Ellins adjourned the meeting at 12:44 PM

 Respectfully Submitted,

  Michael McCamley

SNMCC Board Secretary

 Date Approved and Signed