Southern New Mexico Common Cause

Minutes of the Governing Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

 ·        Meeting Location: J.W. Flours Restaurant, Las Cruces, NM 88001

 ·        Members Attending:                                                                                                                                                                                 

 Jane Asche, Phil Banks, John Bloom, Steve Carter, Dolores Halls, Woodie Jenkins, Jim Kadlecek, Mike McCamley, Vicki Simons, Tamie Smith.

           Members Not Attending:

 Mary Ballard, Gus Bigelow, Alex Burr, Mary Ann Digman, Lynn Ellins, Rose Garcia, Ron Gurley, and Vanessa Quiroz and Charles Welch

 Visitor(s): Fran Clark (LOWV), Al Galves (Visitor) and Bill McCamley (Chairman, DAC County Commission)

 1.   Call to Order:  Jim Kadlecek called the meeting to order at 11:40 AM.

 2.   Introductions and Agenda Approval/Changes:  The order of the Meeting Minutes (versus the order of the Meeting Agenda) was changed.


 3.  Verbal Address to the Board by Bill McCamley Chairman, DAC County Commission

Bill McCamley spoke first to due to another meeting he had to attend.  He addressed the MMC Issue and stated that something needed to be done now because DAC citizens needed healthcare support at the current time (NOW!). He pressed the concept that health or healthcare is a system and should be addressed as a system in anything that is done.  Mountain View Hospital appears to be in favor of a meeting between hospitals (Mountain View and MMC).  Bill McCamley proposed to pursue the involvement of the entire system in such a meeting (anyone involved in any aspect of health).  There was a general discussion concerning the MMC issue.  Jim Kadlecek said that due to the current agreement with MMC there is no oversight of the hospital’s operation. He further stated that there are two directions that need to be addressed.  The first one is a bringing together of the hospitals and anyone else involved.  This is something that we should pursue. Secondly, we need to look at the money or treatment resources available for the uninsured, under insured and indigent humans in need of healthcare.  A forum on healthcare was addressed and proposed to bring together those involved in the healthcare system. Jim Kadlecek will keep seeking additional information.

 4.  Approval of January Meeting Minutes:  The minutes of the SNMCC Board Meeting for January 2005 were approved by voice vote after being moved and seconded. One item was brought up concerning the use of the full name for Board Members in the meeting minutes.  This will be done.

 5.  Projects:

 A.     City Charter – Woodie Jenkins

The City Charter Committee is composed of 22 members will now meet each Wednesday for 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Benavidez Community Center on McClure.  The City Clerk and a representative of the City’s Legal Staff are usually in attendance.  The purpose of the City Charter Committee is to check on the performance of elected Government officials against the City Charter. SNMCC (Southern New Mexico Common Cause) pushed to Chair the Committee.  Hence Woodie Jenkins is the Chairman of the City Charter Committee. He does not agree with the “no action” stance of the Committee.  He stated that Levels of Service need to be provided to the public among the changes needed. Tonight the Committee will discuss the proposal to have the City Council not do anything to hamper or interfere with the City Manager. Jim Kadlecek suggested that the next meeting agenda include specific proposals to change the City Charter.  Phil Banks and anyone else should attend the Committee Meetings and present specific proposals to change the City Charter.

 B.     MMC Issues:  Lynn Ellins, Steve Carter, Mary Ann Digman and Jim Kadlecek

 As discussed above

  C.  County Personnel: Charles Welch

 No report. Jim Kadlecek did report that the County Commission atmosphere seemed a whole lot better.           

D.  NMSU Regents – John Bloom

See attached. John Bloom reported that the Executive sessions are too broad as he has mentioned earlier.  It appears possible that they discuss issues and courses of action and then place the issues into being / or not in open session.  John Bloom will draft up letter to them and bring up the facts of the Open Meetings Act and Roberts Rules that for each Executive session there needs to be a record of what took place.  There is no place in their Open Meeting Agendas and Meetings for Public Input.  Changes were recommended to allow Public Input.  It was moved and seconded and approved by voice vote to send a letter informing them of these matters.

 E.     School Board (LCPS): Phil Banks

The LCPS Board locally televises their meetings.  There were no changes to the School Board based on the results from the past election.

 6.  Monitoring of Public Meetings (w/LOWV)

     No Report

 7.  Website Update:  Alex Burr

     No Report.

 8.  State Update: Gus Bigelow

     Jim Kadlecek reported in lieu of Gus Bigelow.

      Lynn Ellins was elected to the New Mexico Common Cause Board.

The Chair sent an email supporting the State’s current issue of assistance to those running for judicial election.

 9.  Annual Meeting;  Mary Ballard, Tamie Smith and Jane Asche

     Jane Asche is concerned with the wait to see if LC will be the speaker at the annual meeting.

After talking with Ron Gurley it appears that the LC is not very likely to speak.  The entire Board in attendance agreed to have the Annual Meeting on Thursday, 31 March.  The options for the speaker were discussed and Max Britt and Bill McCamley will be asked to speak.  The theme was then discussed and “How Open is Government” was selected as the theme of the Annual Meeting and offered to the Speakers as the theme or basis for their speeches.

  10. Other Business: As found above.

 11. Next Meeting:  March 16, 2005

 Meetings will continue to be held on the third Wednesday of each month at the J.W. Flours    location unless otherwise arranged.

 12. Adjournment:  Jim Kadlecek adjourned the meeting at 1:20 PM.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Michael McCamley

SNMCC Board Secretary 

Date Approved and Signed